KVS, Les ballets C de la B & A.M. Quattan Foundation
«Badke» is a malapropism of Dabke, the name of a popular Palestinian folk dance. The same elements rearranged in a different way. This is exactly what the choreographers Koen Augustijnen and Rosalba Torres Guerrero (Les ballets C de la B) and the dramaturge Hildegard De Vuyst (KVS) have in mind with this traditional line dance. With an ensemble of ten Palestinian dancers from different movement backgrounds — modern dance, artistry, hip hop — they deconstruct and reassemble it in new, at times chaotic ways. Globalized forms of popular dances, such as shown in Walt Disney’s film «Jungle Book», contrast this investigation into the possibilities and the limitations of tradition. (esc)
Website KVS Projekt Badke
Website Les ballets C de la B
Trailer zu Badke
Mehr zur Produktion und Credits
Durationapprox. 90 mins